
Has the Large Hadron Collider Destroyed the World Yet?

First Collision

This is exciting. The LHC’s first proton-proton collisions happened yesterday evening between two counter-circling packets of some 2 billion particles each. Though the beam energy was much lower than that optimal for searching for the Higgs or other exotica, real physics will be beginning soon. … Continue readingFirst Collision

The Multiverse, in 1903

From The Education of Henry Adams, proof of the longevity of ideas or, rather, their lengthy irresolution: “He could not deny that the law of the new multiverse explained much that had been most obscure…but the staggering problem was the outlook ahead into the despotism … Continue readingThe Multiverse, in 1903

Quantum Sculpture

As an aesthetics-minded former physicist I quite enjoy artists who are able to convey the beauty and mystery of quantum mechanics through images. I especially admire former physicists who are able to make such art, who help us to visualize the physical world we do … Continue readingQuantum Sculpture