The Fate of Physics

I hadn’t wanted to say anything about Dennis Overbye’s recent article in the Times, The Collider, the Particle, and a Theory About Fate, but it has come up so frequently in the past 2 days that I now think I should (especially since it was … Continue readingThe Fate of Physics

Herta Müller

I am a bit embarrassed, along with many other literate Americans this morning, to say that I have never read any fiction by the new Nobel laureate Herta Müller. However, I did read recently an incredible piece of non-fiction by her in Sign and Sight, … Continue readingHerta Müller

He Also Noticed Too Much

This is also insightful and sad in its way; the first page of Vladimir Nabokov’s copy of The Metamorphasis, which he edited.


From time to time I will be publishing short notes on items I find interesting right here.